It was the most important test of my life and from that time, I still have nightmares. The group leader stopped and checked me out, then asked me if i like my husband? i’ve got said yes to him. He then asked if I had really loved my first son? I answered yes sir.

He asked me to decide on between these two options “It would be either my eldest son sleeps with me or the 2 arms of my husband chopped off.” I was very frightened and didn’t know what to mention or what to say, this is often my story, and it hunts me till these days as my son, too, isn’t no longer able to look in my eyes.

My husband may be a civil servant and i am a really good tailor at what I do. I’ve got my shop near my building, and there is a space in my building that I’ve converted to my home base. 

During the time of the incident my husband was doing this project. There was an unlimited amount of cash at his disposal to incline on the lot the subsequent day to workers. He decided to return home with the cash since the subsequent day was Saturday, in order that he can leave on Saturday morning as early as possible.

It was a Friday evening and that we just had our dinner finished. My first son, husband and i were still within the living-room, while the remainder had gone to bed once we heard a play the doorway. it had been just some minutes to 9 pm and that i wondered who was visiting knock at that point of day. Normally I avoid taking care of my customers a day at 8 pm. My son had gone to work out who was at the gate. Though We figured that it had been one of the neighbors who needed something and couldn’t wait, well it wasn’t. They were robbers in arms.

Next thing we saw was a pistol with an escort on our son’s head. They were five in number, and every one were armed. They asked us to quietly lie down and that we did. i used to be so afraid because I saw this in movies and that i understand how it’s visiting end. They ‘d shoot us, and ultimately kill us. 

So i assumed in my head, as I prayed quietly. My husband never told me of keeping any money home because even unintentionally, he didn’t want me to whisper about the cash to anyone. How they knew about the money continues to surprise my husband until this moment.

They were asking my husband where the cash was and he was playing dumb. He claimed to not know what they talked about, and asked what money was there? This was when the one who appeared to be guilty went for our last daughter and asked my husband to carefully choose his next words. Then again, he asked where the cash was? Silently my husband told them he would bring the cash.

He was followed by another man, and that they visited our room where he took the cash out and gave it to them in a very small black bag. When the boss got the cash, He asked why he wanted my husband to play along with his intelligence? He said he’d have us purnished for it.

First he said we’re expected to deliberate and choose who’ll die. I was crying, and begging him. By this point we were lying within the middle of the living-room and that we were surrounded by all. He then told me to return closer after much begging. The other ones kicked me on my back to induce near their boss and be quick on that. 

Once I crawled to where he was, he whispered “you love your husband” to me then? I said yes. He asked “what about your son” again? I said yes also love him. He gave me a life’s shocking question, now when he said, choose one or all will die.

I checked out my husband, then I checked out my son. My daughter was too young and that i thought if dying was a far better option. Within this short time I had to form my choice, my whole life flashed right before my eyes. Guess I didn’t know what i used to be doing but I allow my son make love me to save my husband from any physical injury and also the whole family.

They made my son to take off all that he had on and that i also did the same. They made it compulsory for my kids and my husband to look us while performing. My son was beaten before succumbing to the act, He was crying, even as he was. He was flogged with every stroke and watched them leave once they were satisfied.

That day, they didn’t touch anyone. Physically we were all very ok but not emotionally because my son got wounded in his heart. He couldn’t have a look at me and that i also felt very ashamed of myself as we did what we didn’t want. My husband couldn’t speak to him, he didn’t want to speak or be with anybody. Because he’s still a child, he blames his father for not doing what’s needed and that we paid the price. This thing hit me, once a happy family to a very sad one.

My son is mad at me and his father, and my husband too is acting funny towards me as if I had a far better option and didn’t take it. it has been nearly 6 months since that happened but my home hasn’t yet recovered from it. i’m so helpless at once especially as this affects my son a lot. And my husband wouldn’t touch me as if I were carrying some form of infection, or something.

Maybe I made the wrong choice. I should have made or opt for the opposite option then my husband would appreciate my effort. If you were put in this situation what will you do?