22 years Lady Found death after she was declared missing within 24 hour

South Africa is now regarded as an unsafe country  for women to live in, because women are killed everyday in the country.

 Young ladies are killed everyday almost everyday to be precise, women are killed every 4 hour due to high rate of ritual

The chances of a woman dying from a natural death are not as high as her chances of being killed in the country.

 Majority of women who are killed, died in the hands of a man, some known to them and some are strangers but the fact is that femicide remains a big challenge in the country.

there has to be a victim of femicide or gender based violence that is trending on social media.

22 year-old, Asemajle Mabetshe from Cape Town is the latest victim of femicide, According to the source, the young woman was found dead in a field near Nyanga, a day after she went missing and she was last seen by her friends.

As a country, we will never understand why women are killed left, right and center everyday.

The source also shared that, no one has been arrested yet.

22 years Lady Found death after she was declared missing within 24 hour 22 years Lady Found death after she was declared missing within 24 hour Reviewed by Chachagist390 Blog on September 27, 2022 Rating: 5

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