You know I will Expose you that is Why you blocked me on Facebook_Oweni Martha Called out an Muslim Lady who said Islam will Impose Muslim-Muslim Governor in Nasarawa state, 2027

Facebook User Known as Oweni Martha claimed that an Islamic activist known as Xuliahat Doma who has been urging all the Muslim in Nasarawa State to Vote for a Muslim Gubernatorial Candidate on 11th 03 2023 in the state, blocked her on Facebook For trying to Expose her.

According to Martha, Xuliahat instantly blocked her after she told her that she will expose her on Facebook.

Martha who shared the Post via her Facebook page wrote

"Dear Xulaihat Doma,
   You know exactly i was gonna exposed you about your Eristic post, why did you have to block me if truly you know that you were right, well for your information, i still have the screen shot of the evidence here with me.
I am not afraid of you and I am not yet done with you, unblock me let us finish the matter as you started 🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️"

I have no clue on the secret of Xuliahat that Martha want to Expose for now!

We are bringing to you more details soon!

You know I will Expose you that is Why you blocked me on Facebook_Oweni Martha Called out an Muslim Lady who said Islam will Impose Muslim-Muslim Governor in Nasarawa state, 2027 You know I will Expose you that is Why you blocked me on Facebook_Oweni Martha Called out an Muslim Lady who said Islam will Impose Muslim-Muslim Governor in Nasarawa state, 2027 Reviewed by Chachagist390 Blog on March 06, 2023 Rating: 5

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