You Can Make Money Whether You Have Jesus Or Not - Dr Abel Damina

Pastor Abel Damina, the president of Power City International, has chastised people who think that religion and tithing is the bases for prosperity.

The clergyman in a video, said that  you can be wealthy and make lots of money whether you have Jesus or not.

"You can make mad money whether you know Jesus or not."

"I just came back from Doha, go and see. It's an Islamic country, go and see. Go to Dubai and see. You in your country every Friday night is starting night across the nation".

"You don't have good roads. Uyo to calaba is fasting and prayer you use to drive it. The number of tithers in Nigeria, Nigeria should have been the wealthiest nation on earth if tithing was God's device for prosperity".

"There are some fathers who paid tithe till they died. At their death, there was no  money to buy coffin for them. But they paid tithe all their lives.

"Some say Dr Damina, my own works for me. Is God a partial God? Why should your own work for you and that old man who is dying now without the hope of a coffin for his burial but he has been paying tithe from young boy and nothing has worked for him".

"Why will God select to bless you and leave him alone. Is God responsible for class in the society. Then if God is responsible for the poor and rich, he must be a wicked God."

"Then he doesn't really love the world like he says he does. Because if he really loves the world, if he is responsible for one man to be rich then he should be responsible for every man to be rich .
You Can Make Money Whether You Have Jesus Or Not - Dr Abel Damina  You Can Make Money Whether You Have Jesus Or Not - Dr Abel Damina Reviewed by Chachagist390 Blog on June 25, 2024 Rating: 5

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